

答應了找找 All things bright and beautiful 的mp3,好讓她作鈴聲用,於是展開了網絡上的旅程。新年前的晚上,意外收獲是一併找來 I believe in springtime , 孤陋寡聞的我猛然發現曾在MOC唱過John Rutter 的歌,怪不得在練習時常想起springtime 的伴奏了,原來是同一個作者啊,真笨呢,現在才知道。那時候,這首歌是孩子們唱的,MOC唱的是呀呀呀的和音和幾句歌詞,我是最怕那些伊伊呀呀沒有歌詞的和唱,只好錄下來強記,但伴奏動聽得沒話說。如今再聽,倒是百般滋味。已不能上MOC了,因為跟church choir的時間相撞,改為跟指揮Ronald單獨上歌唱課。能學習唱歌很是感恩,我把這些看為是奉獻的一部分,這樣,學費是昂貴但還是值得的。我想相信春天,相信友誼和快樂,因為我們相信那創造那種種美好的父。

I believe in springtime: fresh and new and bright;
I believe in morning dew and shining morning light.
I believe in sunbeams, melting all the snow;
And I believe when winter's done
The streams will run and rivers flow.
I believe in eagles soaring up so high;
I believe in trees and mountains reaching to the sky.
I believe in green things; all the gifts of earth;
Growing up from tiny seeds that spring has brought to birth.
I believe in summer; I believe in fall:
But most of all I believe in God
Who made it and blessed it all.
I believe in people, living all as one;
Sharing all their songs and laughter, happiness and fun;
I believe in friendship: taking time to care;
And feeling sure of someone else,
And someone feeling glad you're there.
Then I start to wonder how it all might be
If the world could live together just like you and me.
I believe in hoping; I believe in prayer;
I believe in trying hard and learning how to share.
I believe in dreaming; and, when dreams are through,
Then I believe in trusting God
To help me make dreams come true.
(John Rutter)

ah-dai at 1:21 p.m.

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