

When you believe

很想真心地相信生命, 提醒自己的時候, 便在心裡唱這歌


25-5-08 MOC 5 周年音樂晚會

(最後的G/A/Bb, 常因在家中偷偷練習, 無故尖叫而被媽媽投訴 xp )

Many nights we prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood

Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains long before we knew we could

There can be miracles when you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe somehow you will
You will when you believe

In this time of fear
When prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer bird
Too swiftly flown away

Yet now I'm standing here
My heart's so full, I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I'd say

A-shi-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah
A-shi-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah
Mi-cha-mo-cha ba-elim adonai
Mi-ka-mo-cha ne-dar- ba-ko-desh
Na-chi-tah v��-chas-d��-cha am zu ga-al-ta
Na-chi-tah v��-chas-d��-cha am zu ga-al-ta
A-shi-ra, a-shi-ra, a-shi-ra...

ah-dai at 12:31 p.m.

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